Dear shareholders!
Joint-Stock Company Bank CenterCredit, with the registered address at: 38 Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty, A25D5G0, Republic of Kazakhstan, hereby notifies of payment of dividends on JSC Bank CenterCredit preference shares convertible into ordinary shares. JSC Bank CenterCredit bank details are as follows: Bank BIC: KCJBKZKX, IBAN KZ958560000004267059, BIN: 980640000093, Correspondent Account: KZ65125KZT1001300224 with the Monetary Operations Accounting Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, BIC NBRKKZKX. The period dividends are paid for is 01 January 2023 – 31 December 2023. The amount of dividend per one JSC Bank CenterCredit preference share convertible into ordinary share is KZT 42.00. The Dividend Payment Commencement Date is 30 December 2024. The list of shareholders eligible to receive dividends on JSC Bank CenterCredit preference shares convertible into ordinary shares is drawn up based on the information contained in the JSC Bank CenterCredit Shareholder Register provided by the registrar JSC Central Securities Depository as of 1 November 2024. The period for payment of dividends on JSC Bank CenterCredit preference shares convertible into ordinary shares starts on 30 December 2024 and ends on 31 December 2024, if the bank details are available in the list of JSC Bank CenterCredit shareholders to accrue income on securities. In the absence of information on valid shareholder details at the joint-stock company or in the security holders registry system, dividends on preference shares will be paid in the manner and within the time limit as determined in Article 24 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint-Stock Companies” to an account opened with the Central Depository for accounting of unclaimed money. If you have any questions, please call us at (727) 2 598 598, ext. 10433.