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#businessprime premium card

Business Card with Special Privileges

Premium service
Free cash transactions

Withdrawal of up to ₸2,000,000 per month

Replenishment of up to ₸ 10,000,000 per month

Your nickname on the card

Add job title, company name, or any other information


Concierge Service

24/7 Assistance

Buying airline tickets

Hotel booking

Legal advice


International travel

Against fraudulent direct debits

Travel insurance

Subject to payment 50% of the trip with a business card

Insurance coverage limit - up to $500,000

Access to business lounges

DragonPass business lounges - 6 free visits per year

VIP Lounge at Astana Airport - 2 free visits per year

Airport service

Fast track on international flights: passport control, check-in, baggage clearance

Free luggage wrapping

Free of charge at the airports in Almaty, Minsk, Baku - 6 times a year

Visa Concierge Chatbot for Business Cards

Allows holders of business cards issued by our bank to discover the VISA card benefits in one place. Telegram chatbot enables you to:

Connect with the concierge service for quick and effortless resolution of everyday issues

Receive information on special offers for business cards

Comparison of Business Card Conditions

Account-linked # business card
 # businessprime premium card


Issue and maintenance - ₸0
Reissue - ₸1,000

Issue - ₸30,000
Maintenance - ₸0
Reissue - ₸10,000

Conditions and benefits

1. Instant Card Issue (non-personalised card)
2. Direct access to the company account
3. 24/7 withdrawal and replenishment
4. Adding to Apple Pay/Google Pay wallets
5. Payment for goods and services worldwide

1. Personalised premium card with the option of adding a nickname (job title, company name, or other)  
2. Direct access to your company account
3. 24/7 withdrawal/replenishment
4. Adding to Apple Pay/Samsung Pay/Google Pay wallets
5. Payment for goods and services worldwide
6. Additional services from VISA:
- access to DragonPass business lounges worldwide
- luggage wrapping at the airport
- international travel insurance and insurance against fraudulent direct debits
- Concierge Service

Issue additional cards
Issue virtual cards
No (digital card will be issued)
#BUSINESSPRIME Card Fees 28.09.2023
Guidelines for Accountants in Kazakhstan
How to apply for #businessprime?
Часто задаваемые вопросы

The #BUSINESSPRIME card is a premium plastic bank card linked to the company's settlement account. It is issued to executives of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur having the primary or secondary financial signature authority.

The #BUSINESSPRIME card is issued upon opening an account at a bank branch or for an existing account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The card issue comes with a fee of KZT 30,000, which is a one-time fee. The annual card maintenance fee is KZT 0.

No additional #BUSINESSPRIME cards are issued. The card is issued only to persons having the primary or secondary financial signature authority.

You can independently set or change the PIN-code in your personal area in the BCC Business/BCC.KZ apps, or by sending SMS to 4433 with the text "PIN (or epin) + the last 4 digits of the card number." Thus, you receive a temporary PIN-code, which must then be replaced with a permanent one at ATM within 24 hours.

Replenish and withdraw cash around the world, pay for purchases at points of sale worldwide, pay for goods and services on the Internet, transfer money from card to card, top up the card through the Bank's self-service devices.

The #BUSINESSPRIME card is used to pay for business trip, hospitality expenses, as well as expenses for the company's core business activity, to deposit proceeds and withdraw cash. A receipt is a confirmation of transactions and a document for primary reporting to the accounting department

The #BUSINESSPRIME card is displayed in the BCC Business app designed for legal entities and in the BCC.KZ app designed for individuals. The card holder has access to the function of linking the card to Apple Pay/Samsung Pay/Google Pay wallets in the BCC.KZ app or directly through the Apple Pay/Samsung Pay/Google Pay wallet.

There is no need to transfer funds in advance from the main settlement account to the card account. Money on the account-linked card is available at any time. Card transactions are made instantly and do not depend on the banking day mode. This arrangement provides convenience for the accounting department in monitoring employee expenditures on a main account.

The # BUSINESSPRIME card limits can be managed in the BCC Business app in a couple of clicks: Cards - Limits - Select limit - Specify amount and limit date - Save. You can also contact the Manager at the Bank branch to set spending limits on the card.

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