Our protagonist has proven through her experience that childhood dreams of creativity can be realized and turned into a stable business.
Bank CenterCredit continues its series of interviews with Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, and the latest video features Albina Abuzarova, co-founder of the typography studio «Art-Depo Studio».
The idea to start their own business came when Albina Abuzarova and her colleagues were working as employees at the same firm.
At that time, the existing "Bridge" gallery offered them to move into its additional space—a long, narrow, unheated balcony. This is where the work of the typography studio began—preparing exhibitions, creating catalogs, and closely collaborating with artists.
«If this is your passion and you understand the specifics of the process from start to finish, then it's your life. As in any profession, if you're a professional, you know and love your work, everything comes easily and goes well for you.»
Albina Abuzarova's main motivation for starting her own typography studio was her unwillingness to work according to other people's rules and standards.
Currently, the typography "Art-Depo Studio" engages in outdoor advertising, logo creation, brand and photo books, website design, and production of branded merchandise. Among its clients are Chevron, Esentai Gallery, Koktobe City, IBS Group, and many others.
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For successful business management, it is crucial to focus on your core activities and delegate other tasks to reliable partners. For more than 27 years, Albina Abuzarova has been a client of Bank CenterCredit. She attributes the foundation of such a long-term partnership to the comfort of service and the friendliness of the managers.
This article has been translated from its original language using neural network-based translation technology.
Каждый год работник имеет право уйти в трудовой отпуск, дни которого оплачиваются. Они нужны для того, чтобы восстановить силы, избежать профессионального выгорания. Если специалист намерен продолжать работать, проблем не возникает.
Нацбанк Казахстана установил курс доллара к тенге по состоянию на 20.01.2025 г. – 530,12 тг., курс российского рубля – 5,17 тг.
Курс доллара за прошедший день ослаб. В сравнении с курсом, действовавшим 17.01.2025 г., рост составил +0,47 тг. (с 529,65 тг. до 530,12 тг.). При этом курс рубля также немного ослаб, рост составил +0,01 тг. (с 5,16 тг. до 5,17 тг.).