Before submitting an application to terminate the IE business, it is crucial to get affairs in order. Failure to prepare may result in rejection: the enterprise simply will not be closed.
Before submitting the application, it is important to:
Online opening of a current account for business
After completing these preparatory steps, you can proceed with the closure of the non-operating IE.
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In most cases, the IE closing procedure in Kazakhstan is greatly simplified (this system is referred to as simplified). This means that the IE can be closed remotely, i.e. online. In this case, the entrepreneur can avoid such time-consuming and troublesome stages as tax audit and desk control.
However, to close an IE online in 2025 in Kazakhstan, certain conditions must be met. Specifically, the entrepreneur must not:
This application serves as the basis for terminating the Company operations. It is submitted to the tax authorities, with three submission methods available:
You can close IE under the simplified procedure in Kazakhstan through the taxpayer's personal area:
If you were planning to close your IE but never found the time, we recommend that you do it as soon as possible. Since starting from 2024, all individual entrepreneurs and their spouses are required to submit a declaration on assets and liabilities as part of the third stage of universal declaration for citizens.
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Besides the simplified procedure, you can terminate operations in an automatic or general mode.
Automatic Mode: Introduced in the summer of 2020, it is convenient as it does not require any action from the business owner. If the entrepreneur does not submit a patent to the tax office or does not resume operations after suspension within 60 days, the State Revenue Department (SRD) will deregister the IE automatically. Of course, automatic deregistration is possible under certain conditions – specifically, the absence of tax debts and fulfillment of other contributions.
General Mode: This mode is relevant for IEs that do not meet the simplified procedure requirements. In this case, the entrepreneur will be subject to a tax audit, which is conducted no later than 20 days after the entrepreneur submits the application. The audit is usually completed within 30 days, but in some cases, it may extend to 180 days. If the entrepreneur successfully passes the audit, agrees with its results, and pays all taxes, the IE is deregistered within 3 days.
Online opening of a current account for business
Please note that to close IE, even those who has not conducted a full-fledged business, for example, has not been operating at all after the opening of the enterprise and is forced to stop the activity, will have to choose one of the three modes.
Government authorities do not always close an enterprise. An individual entrepreneur will not be deregistered if:
After completing all the stages, it is important to find out whether your IE is actually closed. If it is not closed, you will still have to pay taxes.
You can check the status of your enterprise online in three ways:
The procedure for closing a business only seems complicated: to liquidate officially, you need to choose the correct mode and follow a clear algorithm. Most entrepreneurs can use the simplified closure system, which significantly eases the task: liquidation can be carried out online with minimal time costs. However, it is important to thoroughly prepare for this process to minimize the risk of refusal.
Каждый год работник имеет право уйти в трудовой отпуск, дни которого оплачиваются. Они нужны для того, чтобы восстановить силы, избежать профессионального выгорания. Если специалист намерен продолжать работать, проблем не возникает.
Нацбанк Казахстана установил курс доллара к тенге по состоянию на 20.01.2025 г. – 530,12 тг., курс российского рубля – 5,17 тг.
Курс доллара за прошедший день ослаб. В сравнении с курсом, действовавшим 17.01.2025 г., рост составил +0,47 тг. (с 529,65 тг. до 530,12 тг.). При этом курс рубля также немного ослаб, рост составил +0,01 тг. (с 5,16 тг. до 5,17 тг.).