The Labor Code of Kazakhstan and other national laws state that every employee is entitled to an annual paid leave, and 2025 is no exception. While vacation is a time for employees to rest and recharge, for an accountant, it is a busy period: they must handle all the paperwork (applications, orders), consider the type of leave, and calculate the number of days and the amount of vacation pay according to Kazakhstan’s legislation.
How should vacation days be calculated in Kazakhstan in 2025? What nuances should be considered? We will answer these questions, taking into account the types of leave relevant for Kazakhstan.
In this case, the employee takes time off while retaining their position and average salary. How many days does labor leave last in Kazakhstan in 2025? Generally, it is 24 calendar days. The minimum leave cannot be less than three working weeks, meaning the number of vacation days is at least 21.
There are two types of labor leave: main and additional.
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It is calculated based on the work year, meaning the actual reporting period—a year—begins from the moment the employee starts working, specifically the first working day. For example, if a specialist starts at the company on December 20, 2024, their work year "extends" until December 19, 2025, inclusive. During this period, they are entitled to rest.
How should vacation days be calculated in this case according to the Labor Code of Kazakhstan? It’s straightforward: for each month worked, the employee earns two days of rest. In total: 24 calendar days (public holidays are not included). This figure is the same for specialists regardless of their work schedule.
Of course, the vacation period can be longer, but this must be regulated by legislation or specified in the collective agreement.
What if the employee does not want to take their vacation days? Kazakhstan law clearly states that an employee cannot skip taking leave for two consecutive years. If such a violation is detected, the organization will have to pay a fine. The minimum amount is 20 MCI (78,640 tenge in 2025), and the maximum is 100 MCI (393,200 tenge).
What if the employee plans to resign—how is their vacation pay calculated in Kazakhstan? How is it paid? If a specialist who hasn’t taken any vacation or has used only part of the days wants to resign, they are not granted vacation pay but instead receive compensation. By the way, compensation for unused vacation in Kazakhstan can be calculated online.
Main labor leave has several features:
Additional rest days are not provided for all categories of workers. Who can take more time off? These are specialists who:
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In Kazakhstan, this is leave granted to employees to address personal issues (e.g., education, marriage, etc.). These days are usually counted toward service length. However, social leave cannot be carried over, nor is it compensated.
Social leave also has several types.
This type of leave does not include salary or vacation pay. Usually, it is taken by employees for a couple of days. However, in some cases, unpaid leave in Kazakhstan in 2023 and 2024 can be extended to 5 days:
If unpaid leave in Kazakhstan is needed for other reasons, an application must be submitted, and the management will issue an order (documents are prepared according to the established forms in Kazakhstan).
Some specialists work while studying. To take exams, complete lab work, or consult on diploma projects, they need “days off.”.
If you participate in the "Bolashak" educational program, which involves traveling abroad, the company must provide study days, and your position will be retained.
In other cases, the employer is not required to pay for the provided days unless it is specified in the collective agreement.
This category includes days related to pregnancy, childbirth, or adoption.
The leave period is granted based on a medical certificate provided by the woman.
The duration of such leave in Kazakhstan depends on the presence or absence of complications. In a standard situation (planned childbirth without complications), the woman receives 70 days before childbirth and 56 days after. If the woman is carrying twins or more, or complications are expected during childbirth, she receives 70 days before and the same number of days after childbirth.
The period related to pregnancy and childbirth is paid by the company if specified in the collective agreement.
Pregnant women are also entitled to another leave—for registering the pregnancy. To register the pregnancy (done before 12 weeks), women are given up to 3 days.
If an employee adopts a newborn, they are entitled to a leave of up to 56 days (from the birth of the child). As with pregnancy, it is paid by the company if specified in the collective agreement.
A parent can take leave to care for a child until the child turns three years old. This is unpaid leave.
Note that it can be taken by either the mother or father. It also applies to guardians or relatives who care for the child, as well as a parent who has adopted a newborn.
To arrange parental leave, an application must be submitted according to the established form in Kazakhstan, and the employer issues an order.
Screening days can be taken only by employees falling into 13 categories (e.g., healthcare workers, people on dialysis, cancer patients, etc.). The maximum number of days per year is three.
To understand how to calculate the number of vacation days in Kazakhstan, several factors must be considered:
The simplest way to calculate vacation pay for leave days in Kazakhstan is through an online calculator. In this case, the calculation is done using a convenient form that considers three parameters:
Based on this data, the system determines the amount of vacation pay.
Knowing the nuances of how leave is paid in Kazakhstan and how vacation pay is calculated helps avoid disputes and conflicts with employees and fines from regulatory authorities. This allows the company to operate effectively and grow.
This article has been translated from its original language using neural network-based translation technology.
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