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Как заработать на вкладах: выбираем депозит правильно

Люди, которые задумываются над получением пассивного дохода, задаются вопросом, как заработать на инвестициях с минимальными вложениями. Инвестирование в ценные бумаги требует знаний в этой сфере, поэтому не может быть универсальным.

НДС в Казахстане (РК) в 2025 году: что это такое, кто платит налог и как его рассчитать

Большинство компаний в РК, которые реализуют товары и оказывают услуги, кроме привычных налогов должны также уплатить налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС). Он начисляется на сумму, представляющую собой разницу между ценой, за которую купили товар, и ценой, за которую его продали. Чтобы компенсировать расходы производителя или продавца, в стоимость товара/услуг включают налог. Деньги, полученные при уплате НДС в РК в 2025 году, направляются в госбюджет и расходуются на актуальные нужды.

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Банковский аккредитив: что это такое, как работает, чем и кому выгоден

Чтобы развивать бизнес, необходимо постоянно расширять перечень поставщиков. Однако первые сделки с новыми контрагентами всегда рискованные, поскольку у покупателя нет уверенности
в добросовестности партнера. Уменьшить эти риски позволяет аккредитив.

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Овердрафт, кредитные линии и кредитный лимит на счёт в Казахстане: что это такое и в чём между ними разница

Как физические лица, так и предприниматели могут столкнуться с ситуацией, когда на определённые нужды (например, покупка бытовой техники или приобретение сырья для производства) недостаточно собственных средств. В такой ситуации оптимальное решение – обратиться в банк и оформить кредит. Однако наравне со стандартными кредитными продуктами банки в Казахстане предлагают клиентам такие инструменты, как овердрафт, кредитная линия и кредитный лимит на счёт.

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How to Issue an Invoice Online in Kazakhstan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Legal Entities

To enable a buyer to pay for goods and services in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to create an invoice, which is more conveniently and quickly done online. This document is one of the primary ones in transactions between counterparties. How accurately it is filled out determines the successful transfer of funds to the seller or service provider's account.

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Online Accounting: Almost Unlimited Opportunities for Your Business

Convenient, functional, reliable, and cost-effective — it’s hard to overestimate the benefits of online accounting for entrepreneurs. Services integrate easily with bank accounts, allowing you to perform any operation.

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Disability Compensation: How Sick Leave Is Paid in Kazakhstan

How is sick leave calculated in Kazakhstan? How quickly is it paid? What are the amounts of the payments?

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Property Tax in Kazakhstan in 2025

Every year, individuals and legal entities in Kazakhstan who own taxable property are required to pay property tax. This article will clarify what types of property are subject to taxation and identify those who are exempt from payment.

Social Contributions in Kazakhstan in 2024

To safeguard employees in cases of incapacity and other risks (such as the loss of a breadwinner, pregnancy, and childbirth), the payer, typically the organization, must regularly make social contributions. These funds are used to provide social benefits to employees.

bcc journal
Re-registration of an LLP

When registering an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) in Kazakhstan, entrepreneurs provide crucial information, such as the legal address and the list of founders. But what should they do if this information changes? In such cases, a re-registration procedure for the LLP is required.

Transport Tax for Businesses and Individuals in Kazakhstan in 2025

In Kazakhstan, individuals who own a car are required to pay an annual transport tax, and 2025 is no exception. This obligation also extends to legal entities.

bcc journal
Form 910 Declaration: What Is It and How to Submit It?

Individual entrepreneurs and partnerships operating under a simplified system in 2025 must submit Form 910 to regulatory authorities. This declaration contains data on income, taxes paid (including Personal Income Tax and social tax, totaling 3% of income), deductions made for oneself and employees. The form allows reporting these parameters for each month of the half-year.

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MRP and MWP: What Are Their Values in Kazakhstan for 2025?

Minimum calculation indicators are used when calculating social benefits, determining tax amounts and other payments, and the amount of fines. Specialists primarily operate with indicators such as MRP and MWP.

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How to Properly Calculate Vacation Pay? What Types of Leave Are There and What Are Their Features?

The Labor Code of Kazakhstan and other national laws state that every employee is entitled to an annual paid leave, and 2024 is no exception. While vacation is a time for employees to rest and recharge, for an accountant, it is a busy period: they must handle all the paperwork (applications, orders), consider the type of leave, and calculate the number of days and the amount of vacation pay according to Kazakhstan’s legislation.

How should vacation days be calculated in Kazakhstan in 2024? What nuances should be considered? We will answer these questions, taking into account the types of leave relevant for Kazakhstan.

bcc journal
OPVR in Kazakhstan in 2024: Features and Nuances

The New Year traditionally brings new legislative norms in Kazakhstan. Starting January 1, 2024, companies in Kazakhstan are required to make mandatory employer pension contributions (OPVR) for their employees. It is important to note that these contributions are only required for employees born after January 1, 1975.

bcc journal
Online Accounting: What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

For novice individual entrepreneurs, accounting can be a daunting task. The fear of making mistakes, which could lead to fines and other problems, is very real. Outsourcing accounting tasks may seem like an attractive option, but hiring an external accountant is often too expensive for those just starting out in business.

However, accounting can be done independently—correctly, efficiently, and without risks. How can this be achieved? One of the modern solutions is online accounting.

bcc journal
How to Close an Inactive LLP in Kazakhstan in 2024?

To cease the activities of a company registered as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), one must go through the liquidation process, which takes about four months and requires thorough preparation.

Interestingly, the decision to close an LLP in Kazakhstan is not always made by the partnership's founders. In some cases, it happens involuntarily—by court order. For example, a common reason for forced LLP closure in Kazakhstan in 2023 was bankruptcy. Other reasons include registration violations (such as the owner failing to register the partnership with the tax authorities or being unable to obtain a BIN in time).

How can you close an LLP in Kazakhstan in 2024, and is it possible to do it online? What documents are required for closure? What pitfalls should you be aware of? Let's take a step-by-step look at the process.

bcc journal
СНТ для перевозки в Казахстане

Transporting goods within the country involves a significant amount of documentation. To simplify the paperwork for certain groups of goods, Kazakhstan introduced a document known as the Consignment Note (СНТ) in 2020. This document also facilitates tax and customs administration procedures.

bcc journal
Mandatory Social Insurance for Employees Against Accidents in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2025

It is a mistake to think that an accident that occurs to an employee while performing their duties only harms that specialist. In fact, it is a serious blow to the business: any incident is thoroughly investigated, and if the employer is found to be at fault, they face hefty fines and prolonged court proceedings. Mandatory insurance of organization employees against accidents can protect the entrepreneur from such problems.

bcc journal
Талон о начале деятельности ИП

Для того, чтобы осуществлять предпринимательскую деятельность, после регистрации компании, индивидуальный предприниматель должен получить документ, который дает ему право на работу. Ранее в РК этим документом было свидетельство о регистрации ИП, но сейчас его заменил талон. Попробуем разобраться, где его получить онлайн и как скачать этот документ?

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What is PIT
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Как открыть текущий счёт для ТОО

For conducting legal business activities, a legal entity, including an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership), needs a bank current account. This account provides access to numerous services: you can pay suppliers, disburse employee salaries, transfer money between your accounts, pay taxes, and make other contributions.

How do you open a current account for a legal entity? What documents need to be prepared? We explain the nuances you should be aware of.

bcc journal
How to Open an LLP in Kazakhstan in 2024

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a type of business activity that allows to carry out legal business operations in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. LLP is suitable for businesses of various scales, from small companies with up to 15 employees to large organizations employing up to 250 employees.

To successfully open an LLP in Almaty or other cities in Kazakhstan, you need to be aware of many nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

IE under the Simplified Taxation System in Kazakhstan in 2025
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